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FAQs For Homeownership Owner Applicants

What is the first step for Habitat homeownership?

Request or download from our website a Homeownership Pre-application.  Complete the application and mail to Habitat of Rockland's office at P.O. Box 329, Spring Valley NY 10977.  If you meet all the pre-approval criteria listed on the application, someone from Family Services will contact you to set up an appointment to review your application and the Homeownership Program.  At that meeting, you will be given a full Homeownership application and we will discuss next steps in the process.

Who is Eligible?

Applicants must meet our minimum criteria listed below:

1.  Need for Housing

What defines need for housing?

Need for housing generally means that an applicant’s current housing is inadequate or unsafe. 

  • Substandard Housing: Your housing may have maintenance and/or structural issues that create health and safety problems (such as mold, poor heating or plumbing, or unsafe construction.) Your house is overcrowded, or is not good for handicapped/disabled family members.

  • Temporary Housing: You have temporary living arrangements or transitional/subsidized housing.

  • Excessive Cost: Your total housing costs (rent and necessary utilities) are more than 30% of your income.

  • Unsafe: Your neighborhood is unsuitable or unsafe for family members, especially children or elderly/disabled individuals.


2.  Ability to Pay

Applicant's must have:

  • Total household income within HUD income guidelines according to family size.

  • Three years history of steady employment income.

  • Credit without liens, judgements, foreclosures or bankruptcies within the past 3 years.

  • A median FICO score of 680 or greater.

  • Ability to qualify for an affordable mortgage with a licensed third-party lending institution.


3.  Willingness to Partner

Applicant's must demonstrate:

A willingness to complete between 200 to 400 hours of "Sweat Equity" and any other partnership requirements.  Habitat Sweat Equity and other partnership requirements must  be satisfied before being able to purchase the house once completed.  ​


Sweat Equity consists of:

  • Contributing assigned volunteer hours to helping build your home and homes for other partner families in the program.

  • Complete assigned financial literacy education course(s), First Time Home Buyer and Home Maintenance Courses.

  • Volunteer a minimum of 40 hours towards community service.

Family Partnership Application 
(Apply for a Home)
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