Join In and Walk On

Sign up to be a Walk On at our build site!
At Habitat Rockland we welcome individuals who want to join us at our build sites and help out. Several days each month are dedicated for walk-on volunteers.
If you would like to volunteer your their time to help Habitat Rockland build affordable homes for hardworking families in Rockland County just sign-up. We welcome your help whether you have years of experience or have never swung a hammer! We have trained crew leaders on site to guide and assist you during your build day. Just bring your lunch and join in on the fun!
The construction workday is typically from 9 am to 3:00 pm, and volunteers are asked to make a full-day commitment for onsite construction.
You must be at least 16 years old or be accompanied to the site and build with an adult 21 or older.
We ask that you consider a $100 donation to cover the cost of insurance and supervision for your build day.​
*Walk on spots are very popular and therefore fill up quickly.
Contact Jenna Mega at ED@HabitatRockland.org to find out about upcoming walk-on days and sign-up to walk on!